MSMQ Messages

For the most part, MSMQ messages refer to the messages your application uses to send data. However, there are also several MSMQ-generated messages (for example, acknowledgment and report messages) that provide additional functionality.

Note  Each MSMQ message can have no more than 4 MB of data.

Each message, whether it is sent by an application or generated by MSMQ, receives an MSMQ-generated message identifier when it is sent. This identifier along with any other message property may be used to identify a message. Other properties typically used are application-defined identifiers, label, class, body, and so forth.

The two application-defined identifiers are the correlation identifier and application-specific identifier. By using these identifiers, you can create your own method for identifying messages.

For information on… See…
A list of all message properties Message Properties
Sending messages to a destination queue Sending Messages
Reading messages from a queue Reading Messages
The correlation identifier property for C API calls PROPID_M_CORRELATIONID
The application-specific identifier property for C API calls PROPID_M_APPSPECIFIC
The correlation identifier property for ActiveX calls CorrelationId
The application-specific identifier property for ActiveX calls AppSpecific