independent client
MSMQ independent clients can create and modify queues as well as send and receive messages just as MSMQ servers can. MSMQ independent clients can create queues and store messages on the local computer without synchronous access to an MSMQ server. The primary difference between MSMQ independent clients and MSMQ servers is that independent clients do not have the intermediate store-and-forward capability of MSMQ servers, nor do they store information from the distributed MSMQ database.

In addition to the basic MSMQ files, you can install the Microsoft Message Queue Server SDK on MSMQ independent clients.

You can also install the MSMQ Explorer on MSMQ independent clients running under Windows NTŪ Workstation or Server. You can use the MSMQ Explorer to administer your MSMQ enterprise remotely from computers running Windows NT Workstation.

internal certificate
Used when the receiving application only needs to verify that the sender identifier attached to a message is valid.

An internal certificate contains a public key written in the form of an X.509 certificate. It does not contain any additional sender information that can be used for authentication.

internal transaction
Transaction called where MSMQ is the only resource manager. MSMQ internal transactions cannot be passed to another resource manager, unlike MS DTC external transactions. It is the additional RAM that is needed to coordinate between several resource managers that makes MSMQ internal transaction a better choice than MS DTC external transactions.