The queue's label provides a description of the queue.

When you are retrieving PROPID_Q_LABEL, the type indicator in the MQQUEUEPROPS structure must be set to VT_NULL, and MQFreeMemory must be called after the return value is used. The VT_NULL setting tells MSMQ to allocate the memory needed for the returned label, and MQFreeMemory frees the MSMQ-allocated memory.

To retrieve PROPID_Q_LABEL
  1. Define the structures needed to retrieve the properties. This includes the MQQUEUEPROPS structure.
    // Define number of properties to be retrieved.
    #define NumberOfProperties 1
    // Define property counter.
    DWORD PropIdCount = 0;
    // Define the MQQUEUPROPS structure.
    MQQUEUEPROPS QueueProps;
    PROPVARIANT aQueuePropVar[NumberOfProperties];
    QUEUEPROPID aQueuePropId[NumberOfProperties];
    HRESULT aQueueStatus[NumberOfProperties];
    // Define results.
    HRESULT hr;
    // Define format name buffer.
    DWORD dwFormatNameBufferLength = 256;
    WCHAR szFormatNameBuffer[256];
  2. Specify PROPID_Q_LABEL. The type indicator must be set to VT_NULL so that MSMQ allocates memory for the label.
    aQueuePropId[PropIdCount] = PROPID_Q_LABEL;   //Property ID
    aQueuePropVar[PropIdCount].vt = VT_NULL;      //Type indicator
  3. Add any additional queue properties. When adding properties, increment the NumberOfProperties variable to reflect the number of properties added.
  4. Set the MQQUEUEPROPS structure.
    QueueProps.cProp = PropIdCount;           // Number of properties
    QueueProps.aPropID = aQueuePropId;        // Ids of properties
    QueueProps.aPropVar = aQueuePropVar;      // Values of properties
    QueueProps.aStatus = aQueueStatus;        // Error reports
  5. Obtain the format name of the queue. The example below uses MQPathNameToFormatName to obtain the format name of a known queue. Other functions that can be used are MQHandleToFormatName and MQInstanceToFormatName.
    hr = MQPathNameToFormatName(L"machinename\\queuename",
    if (FAILED(hr))
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed in MQPathNameToFormatName, error = 0x%x\n",hr);
       return -1;
  6. Call MQGetQueueProperties.
    hr = MQGetQueueProperties(szFormatNameBuffer, &QueueProps);
    if (FAILED(hr))
       fprintf(stderr, "Failed in MQGetQueueProperties, error = 0x%x\n",hr);
       return -1;
  7. Examine the value of the returned property. In this example, the authentication level of the queue is printed to the screen.
    wprintf(L"The label of the queue is :");
    wprintf(L" %s.\n", aQueuePropVar[0].pwszVal);
  8. Call MQFreeMemory to free the memory allocated by MSMQ.
    if (FAILED(hr))
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed in MQFreeMemory, error = 0x%x\n",hr);
      return -1;

Example Code

The following example retrieves the PROPID_Q_LABEL property for a known queue and then prints the returned value to the screen. Note that the memory (used to store the label) allocated by MSMQ is freed using MQFreeMemory.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <mq.h>                   // MSMQ header file

int main(int arg, char *argv[])

  //  Define structures.
  // Define the number of properties.
  #define NumberOfProperties 1
  // Define the property counter.
  DWORD PropIdCount = 0;
  //Define the MQQUEUPROPS structure.
  PROPVARIANT aQueuePropVar[NumberOfProperties];
  QUEUEPROPID aQueuePropId[NumberOfProperties];
  HRESULT aQueueStatus[NumberOfProperties];
  //Define results.
  // Define format name buffer.
  DWORD dwFormatNameBufferLength = 256;
  WCHAR szFormatNameBuffer[256];
  // Specify PROPID_Q_LABEL. The type 
  // indicator must be set to VT_NULL.
  aQueuePropId[PropIdCount] = PROPID_Q_LABEL;    // Property ID
  aQueuePropVar[PropIdCount].vt = VT_NULL;       // Type indicator
  // Add additional queue properties here. When adding 
  // properties, increment NumberOfProperties to 
  // reflect total number of properties.
  // Set the MQQUEUEPROPS structure.
  QueueProps.cProp = PropIdCount;           // Number of properties
  QueueProps.aPropID = aQueuePropId;        // Ids of properties
  QueueProps.aPropVar = aQueuePropVar;      // Values of properties
  QueueProps.aStatus = aQueueStatus;        // Error reports
  //Get format name of queue.
  hr = MQPathNameToFormatName(L"machinename\\queuename",
  if (FAILED(hr))
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed in MQPathNameToFormatName, error = 0x%x\n",hr);
        return -1;
  // Get queue property.
  hr = MQGetQueueProperties(szFormatNameBuffer, &QueueProps);
  if (FAILED(hr))
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed in MQGetQueueProperties, error = 0x%x\n",hr);
        return -1;
  // Review returned value. This example prints 
  // out the label of the queue.
  wprintf(L"The label of the queue is :");
  wprintf(L" %s.\n", aQueuePropVar[0].pwszVal);
  // Free memory allocated by MSMQ. 
   if (FAILED(hr))
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed in MQFreeMemory, error = 0x%x\n",hr);
        return -1;
  return 0;