IGetContextProperties::EnumNames Method

Returns a reference to an enumerator that you can use to iterate through all the context object properties.

Provided By


HRESULT IGetContextProperties::EnumNames (
    IEnumNames ** ppenum);


[out] A reference to the IEnumNames interface on a new enumerator object that you can use to iterate through all the context object properties.

Return Values

A reference to the requested enumerator is returned in the ppenum parameter.

The requested enumerator could not be returned.


You use the EnumNames method to obtain a reference to an enumerator object. The returned IEnumNames interface exposes several methods you can use to iterate through a list of BSTRs representing context object properties. Once you have a name, you can use the GetProperty method to obtain a reference to the context object property it represents. See the COM documentation for information on enumerators.

As with any COM object, you must release an enumerator object when you're finished using it.
