Trace Messages

The Trace Messages window lists current trace messages issued by the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). Tracing allows you to view the current status of various MS DTC activities, such as start up and shut down, and to trace potential problems by viewing additional debugging information.

For an overview of managing transactions, see the following topics:

You can use the Trace Messages window for the following tasks:

You can use the Trace slider on the Advanced tab of a computer's property sheet to specify the level of tracing that is displayed in this window.

Icon Description

Something has happened that requires restarting MS DTC. For example, a corrupt log file is detected.


Something could go wrong soon.


Information is provided about infrequent events, such as start up and shut down.


Debugging information is provided about events such as new client connections or resource manager enlistments.


Displays the source of the trace message:

The tracer and the Windows NT event log tag each message with its source.


Displays the message.

See Also

Managing MS DTC