Automating MTS Administration

Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) developers and advanced web administrators can use scriptable administration objects to automate MTS application deployment and administration. The scriptable objects correspond to the Microsoft Transaction Server Explorer collection hierarchy. You can automate administrative procedures by calling interfaces on the appropriate scriptable administration object. The following diagram shows the types of collections administered and deployed by the MTS Explorer:

In order to effectively use the scriptable administration objects, you should have a thorough understanding of the tasks that your application automates in the MTS Explorer. You can use any OLE Automation-compatible language to develop your application because the scriptable administration objects are derived from the IDispatch interface. Microsoft Visual Basic™ version 5.0 and Microsoft Visual C++ version 5.0, which support ActiveX technology, are recommended development tools. See the MTS Administrative Reference for a complete Visual Basic sample that demonstrates how to use the scriptable administration objects.

This section discusses the following topics:

See Also

MTS Administrative Reference