IGetDispenser Interface

This interface contains a single method IGetDispenser::GetDispenser. The GetDispenser method is used by procedures that are passed a transaction object as a parameter and need to obtain an interface on the MS DTC proxy core object.

For example, the RM proxy uses this method to implement its transaction enlistment interface. Application programs call the transaction enlistment interface and pass a transaction object. The RM proxy uses the GetDispenser method on the transaction object to locate the interfaces on the MS DTC proxy core object.

Implemented by: MS DTC proxy
Object Transaction object
Interface Source Call QueryInterface on the ITransaction interface on the transaction object with a riid of IID_IGetDispenser
Called by: RM proxy

interface IGetDispenser: IUnknown
HRESULT GetDispenser (
    [in]  REFIID  riid,
    [out] void ** ppv);