IPrepareInfo Interface

The resource manager uses this interface to retrieve prepare information from the transaction manager. The resource manager writes this prepare information to its log file when preparing at phase one. The prepare information is only needed if failure recovery is necessary. During recovery, the resource manager identifies the transactions that were prepared but not yet committed or aborted at the time of the failure. The resource manager is in-doubt about the outcome of these transactions. The resource manager provides the prepare information for these in-doubt transactions to the transaction manager. The transaction manager uses the prepare information to locate the in-doubt transactions, determine their outcomes, and return the their outcomes to the resource manager. This permits the resource manager to resolve its in-doubt transactions.

Implemented by: MS DTC proxy
Object Enlistment object
Interface Source Call QueryInterface on the ITransactionEnlistmentAsync interface on the enlistment object with a riid of IID_IPrepareInfo
Called by: Resource manager

interface IPrepareInfo : IUnknown
HRESULT GetPrepareInfoSize (
    [out] ULONG * pcbPrepInfo) ;

HRESULT GetPrepareInfo (
    [out] unsigned char * pPrepInfo) ;