ITransactionDispenser Interface

This interface contains two methods. The BeginTransaction method creates new transaction objects. The GetOptionsObject method creates new transaction options objects.

Implemented by: MS DTC proxy
Object MS DTC proxy core object
Interface Source Either:
Call DtcGetTransactionManager with a riid of IID_ITransactionDispenser when initially connecting to MS DTC
Call QueryInterface on any interface on the MS DTC proxy core object with a riid of IID_ITransactionDispenser
Called by: Application programs and resource managers that initiate transactions

interface ITransactionDispenser : IUnknown
HRESULT GetOptionsObject(
    [out] ITransactionOptions ** ppOptions);

HRESULT BeginTransaction (
    [in]  IUnknown              punkOuter, 
    [in]  ISOLEVEL              isoLevel, 
    [in]  ULONG                 isoFlags,
    [in]  ITransactionOptions * pOptions,
    [out] ITransaction **       ppTransaction);