ITransactionExportFactory Interface

This interface is used to create a new export object. The export object represents the connection between a process that exports transactions and a process that imports transactions. The export object is used when propagating transactions between the systems.

Implemented by: MS DTC proxy
Object MS DTC proxy core object
Interface Source Either:
Call DtcGetTransactionManager with a riid of IID_ITransactionExportFactory when initially connecting to MS DTC
Call QueryInterface on any interface on the MS DTC proxy core object with a riid of IID_ITransactionExportFactory
Called by: RM proxy

interface ITransactionExportFactory : IUnknown
HRESULT GetRemoteClassId( [out] CLSID * pclsid );

    [in]  ULONG                 cbWhereabouts,
    [in]  BYTE *                rgbWhereabouts,
    [out] ITransactionExport ** ppExport);