IResourceManagerSink Interface

This is a callback interface implemented by the resource manager. The interface is passed as a parameter to IResourceManagerFactory::Create and registered in the resource manager object. The MS DTC proxy calls the resource manager's IResourceManagerSink callback interface if the transaction manager fails. This informs the resource manager that it must perform recovery.

If the connection between the MS DTC proxy and the transaction manager fails, the MS DTC proxy first calls the resource manager's ITransactionResourceAsync::TMDown method once for each transaction in which the resource manager is enlisted. The MS DTC proxy then calls the resource manager's IResourceManagerSink::TMDown method. This ensures that the resource manager is informed of the failure even if it has no enlisted transactions.

Implemented by: Resource manager
Object N/A
Interface Source The resource manager implements the method in this interface. The MS DTC proxy invokes this method if the transaction manager fails
Called by: MS DTC proxy

interface IResourceManagerSink : IUnknown
    void TMDown ();