
The mixerSetControlDetails function sets properties of a single control associated with an audio line.

MMRESULT mixerSetControlDetails(
  HMIXEROBJ hmxobj,             
  DWORD fdwDetails              


Handle of the mixer device object for which properties are being set.
Address of a MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure. This structure is used to reference control detail structures that contain the desired state for the control.
Flags for setting properties for a control. The following values are defined:
The hmxobj parameter is an auxiliary device identifier in the range of zero to one less than the number of devices returned by the auxGetNumDevs function.
The hmxobj parameter is the handle of a MIDI input device. This handle must have been returned by the midiInOpen function.
The hmxobj parameter is the handle of a MIDI output device. This handle must have been returned by the midiOutOpen function.
The hmxobj parameter is a mixer device handle returned by the mixerOpen function. This flag is optional.
The hmxobj parameter is a waveform-audio input handle returned by the waveInOpen function.
The hmxobj parameter is a waveform-audio output handle returned by the waveOutOpen function.
The hmxobj parameter is the identifier of a MIDI input device. This identifier must be in the range of zero to one less than the number of devices returned by the midiInGetNumDevs function.
The hmxobj parameter is the identifier of a MIDI output device. This identifier must be in the range of zero to one less than the number of devices returned by the midiOutGetNumDevs function.
The hmxobj parameter is a mixer device identifier in the range of zero to one less than the number of devices returned by the mixerGetNumDevs function. This flag is optional.
The hmxobj parameter is the identifier of a waveform-audio input device in the range of zero to one less than the number of devices returned by the waveInGetNumDevs function.
The hmxobj parameter is the identifier of a waveform-audio output device in the range of zero to one less than the number of devices returned by the waveOutGetNumDevs function.
A custom dialog box for the specified custom mixer control is displayed. The mixer device gathers the required information from the user and returns the data in the specified buffer. The handle for the owning window is specified in the hwndOwner member of the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure. (This handle can be set to NULL.) The application can then save the data from the dialog box and use it later to reset the control to the same state by using the MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE flag.
The current value(s) for a control are set. The paDetails member of the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure points to one or more mixer-control details structures of the appropriate class for the control.

Return Values

Returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR if successful or an error otherwise. Possible error values include the following:

Value Description
MIXERR_INVALCONTROL The control reference is invalid.
MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID The hmxobj parameter specifies an invalid device identifier.
MMSYSERR_INVALFLAG One or more flags are invalid.
MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE The hmxobj parameter specifies an invalid handle.
MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM One or more parameters are invalid.
MMSYSERR_NODRIVER No mixer device is available for the object specified by hmxobj.


All members of the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS structure must be initialized before calling mixerSetControlDetails.

If an application needs to retrieve only the current state of a custom mixer control and not display a dialog box, then mixerGetControlDetails can be used with the MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE flag.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in mmsystem.h.
  Import Library: Use winmm.lib.

See Also

Audio Mixers Overview, Audio Mixer Functions, MIXERCONTROLDETAILS, auxGetNumDevs, midiInOpen, midiOutOpen, mixerOpen, waveInOpen, waveOutOpen, midiInGetNumDevs, midiOutGetNumDevs, mixerGetNumDevs, waveInGetNumDevs, waveOutGetNumDevs, mixerGetControlDetails