
The mmioSeek function changes the current file position in a file opened by using the mmioOpen function.

LONG mmioSeek(
  HMMIO hmmio,  
  LONG lOffset, 
  int iOrigin   


File handle of the file to seek in.
Offset to change the file position.
Flags indicating how the offset specified by lOffset is interpreted. The following values are defined:
Seeks to lOffset bytes from the current file position.
Seeks to lOffset bytes from the end of the file.
Seeks to lOffset bytes from the beginning of the file.

Return Values

Returns the new file position, in bytes, relative to the beginning of the file. If there is an error, the return value is – 1.


Seeking to an invalid location in the file, such as past the end of the file, might not cause mmioSeek to return an error, but it might cause subsequent I/O operations on the file to fail.

To locate the end of a file, call mmioSeek with lOffset set to zero and iOrigin set to SEEK_END.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in mmsystem.h.
  Import Library: Use winmm.lib.

See Also

Multimedia File I/O Overview, Multimedia File I/O Functions, mmioOpen