
The IAVIStream interface supports creating and manipulating data streams within a file. Uses IUnknown::QueryInterface, IUnknown::AddRef, IUnknown::Release in addition to the following custom methods:

Method Description
Create Initializes a stream handler that is not associated with any file.
Delete Deletes data from a stream.
Info Fills and returns an AVISTREAMINFO structure with information about a stream.
FindSample Obtains the position in a stream of a key frame or a nonempty frame.
Read Reads data from a stream and copies it to an application-defined buffer.
ReadData Reads data headers, format data, or nonaudio and nonvideo data. (Use the Read method to read audio and video data.)
ReadFormat Obtains format information from a stream.
SetFormat Sets format information in a stream.
Write Writes data to a stream.
WriteData Writes data headers, format data, or nonaudio and nonvideo data. (Use the Write method to write audio and video data.)

See Also

Custom File and Stream Handlers Overview, Custom File and Stream Handler Interfaces