Channel.DistributeFrom Method

Expedites setting up distribution of content from a remote multicast manager.


nsChannelMgr.Channels(ChannelName).DistributeFrom( Server, ChName, Filter )



A String value specifying the name of the remote multicast manager server.


A String value specifying the name of the station whose information is being imported.


The filter value indicates specific types of information to exclude. Filter values can be added together to exclude multiple types of information.

Return Values

Returns an ActiveX HRESULT error code.


The DistributeFrom method imports all of the station information from a specific station on a remote server to the current server. This information can be used to configure the current server to multicast the stream by changing the IP address and port.

The filter is an enumeration of MCMDELIVERYMODE type, and can have the following values:

Value Mnemonic Description
1 MCM_DM_SESSION Ignore multicast address.
2 MCM_DM_SESSIONLESS_3PH Ignore multicast adapter address.
4 MCM_DM_SESSIONLESS_EC Ignore auto-archive directory.
8 MCM_DM_DISTRIBUTION Ignore station name.


' pick up multicast distribution described in LiveShow on server
' "NSServer" but don't archive it in the same place
NSChannelMgr.Channels(1).DistributeFrom ("NSServer", "LiveShow.nsc", 

See Also

GetID, GetActiveStream, SetActiveStream, InitializeFromNSC, WriteNSC, Close

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