Channel.MulticastTimeToLive Property

Returns or sets the multicast time-to-live (TTL) value of the station.




The TTL value determines the maximum number of times a multicast may be forwarded by routers as it passes along a network. This is called the scope of the multicast. At each hop along the route, the router decrements the TTL. When the value reaches 1, the next router will not forward the multicast.

Allowable values range from 1 through 255. Chose the value 1 to limit the multicast to your immediate subnet. To find the optimum value to limit a multicast to intranet multicast, you may need to consult your network administrator. The following values are suggested:

Option Value
Local Network 1
Intranet 32
Internet 128


' get the second station
Set MyStation = NSChannelMgr.Channels.Item(1)
MyStation.MulticastTimeToLive = 32
MsgBox "Multicast will pass through up to " & _
        MyStation.MulticastTimeToLive & " subnets"

See Also

Channel object

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