Channel Object Properties

The Channel object contains the following properties for each station:

Property Read/Write Description
AutoArchive RW Returns or sets a Boolean value that determines whether or not content is automatically cached.
AutoArchiveDir RW Returns or sets the String value containing the directory where the automatic content cache is stored.
AutoArchiveSize RW Returns or sets the Long value of the size in bytes of the automatic content cache.
ChannelFormats R Returns a ChannelFormats collection object.
ContactAddress RW Returns or sets the contact (mailing) address of the station.
ContactEmail RW Returns or sets the e-mail contact value of the station.
ContactPhone RW Returns or sets the contact phone number of the station.
DeliveryMode RW Returns or sets the delivery mode of the station.
Description RW Returns or sets the description of the station.
MulticastAddress RW Returns or sets the multicast address of the station.
MulticastAdapterAddress RW Returns or sets the address of the network adapter card used by the station.
MulticastTimeToLive RW Returns or sets the multicast time-to-live (TTL) value of the station.
Name RW Returns or sets the name of the station.
NSCURL RW Returns or sets the .nsc file URL of the station.
Port RW Returns or sets the port of the station.
Version RW Returns the version of the station.
DistributionLimit RW Returns or sets the maximum number of distribution points.
LogURL RW Returns or sets the URL of the server log file.
UnicastURL RW Returns or sets the URL of the Unicast publishing point.

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