HostAddresses.Item Property

Returns the Address object as specified by the Index value.


NSChannelMgr.HostAddresses[.Item]( Index )


NSChannelMgr.Connect "LocalHost"
Dim Hosts
Set Hosts = NSChannelMgr.HostAddresses
' write a list of addresses and properties
For i = 0 to Hosts.Count - 1
   str = "<B>Host #" & i & "</B><BR>"
   str = str + "Type: " & Hosts.Item(i).Type & "<BR>"
   str = str + "Port: " & Hosts.Item(i).Port & "<BR>"
   str = str + "Address: " & Hosts.Item(i).Address & "<BR><BR>"
Document.Write str
Next i


The Item property is the default property for this object.

See Also

HostAddresses.Count, Address objects , HostAddresses collection object

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