Href (This is a required attribute)
Specifies an URL to a Web site. This is the URL the user is linked to when the user clicks on the Banner graphic or selects an item in the More Information submenu of the File menu.
The target attribute defines which browser frame or window the page defined in the Href attribute is opened in. The values for the Target attribute follow standard Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) syntax and definitions.
If the ASX file is opened in the stand-alone player, the Target attribute is ignored, and the URL is opened in a new browser window.
In the case of the embedded control, if there is no Target attribute defined the URL is loaded into the current browser window, and replaces the existing page. This means that if a user accesses a MoreInfo link by clicking the Banner graphic in the Video area, the content stops playing, and the URL defined in the Href attribute is rendered. It is recommended that you use a Target attribute for MoreInfo links in the embedded case.
The possible values for this attribute are the values for using the target argument in an HTML document as follows:
_blank - The document defined in the URL is loaded in a new browser window.
_self - The document defined in the URL is loaded in the same frame as the current document containing the control.
_parent - The document is loaded into the immediate parent frame of the current frame. This is the same as the current frame if there is no parent frame.
_top - The document referenced in the URL is loaded in the full browser window, replacing all other frames or documents.
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