
A Banner element in an ASX file is used to define an URL to a graphic file that is displayed in the display area (the area where video content is rendered) of the player beneath the video content. If the media is audio only, the Banner graphic is displayed by itself. The player reserves a 32-pixel-high-by-194-pixel wide space (the BannerBar) for the graphic. If the graphic defined in the URL is smaller than the reserved 32*194 pixel space, it is displayed at its original size. If the graphic linked to is larger than the reserved space, the graphic fills the space below the video display.

You can use an Abstract element within the scope of the Banner element to display text as a tooltip when the user holds the mouse cursor over the Banner graphic. You also can use a MoreInfo element as a child element to Banner, which defines an URL the user is taken to (the URL can be any path or protocol, such as an email link, an HTTP URL to a Web site, or even a Javascript URL) when the Banner graphic is clicked on. When the mouse pointer is held over the graphic it becomes embossed, making it look like a button.

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