Microsoft® Media Player Control

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Microsoft® Media Player control (contained in Msdxm.ocx) is a Microsoft ActiveX® control used for adding multimedia playback capabilities to OLE-enabled documents and applications, as well as Web pages. It provides a programming interface for rendering a variety of network streaming and non-streaming multimedia formats. The Player control incorporates many of the features of the ActiveMovie control and the NetShow version 2.0 Player control, as well as many new features.

This SDK describes the rich set of functionality exposed by the Player control. It is divided into the following sections:

Section Description
About the Player Control This section describes the architecture of the control and its underlying technology.
Using the Player Control This section is a guide to using and programming the control.
Player Control Reference This section provides a reference of each method, property, and event exposed by the control.
Player Control Samples This section provides sample code illustrating use of the Player control.

In addition to the components listed above, this SDK also describes the Media Player Netscape Plug-in.

General Notes

For general information about ActiveX controls, see the Microsoft ActiveX SDK.

For more information about using VBScript with ActiveX controls, see the Visual Basic Script home page.

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