Warning Event

Occurs when the control encounters a possible problem.


MediaPlayer_Warning( WarningType, Param, Description )



A Long value specifying the type of problem encountered. The WarningType parameter can be one of the following values:

Constant Value Description
nsNoAudioDevice 0 The audio playback device is already in use.
nsUnknownStreamFormat 1 An unknown stream format was received.
nsPlaylistItemFailure 2 A file specified in the playlist could not be played.


A Long value specifying additional information about the warning. This parameter specifies different information for different types of warnings. The following table describes the type of data in this parameter for each warning type:

Warning Type Param information
nsNoAudioDevice Always zero.
nsUnknownStreamFormat The stream number of the invalid stream.
nsPlaylistItemFailure The number of the clip in the playlist that failed to play.


A String value specifying the description of the problem encountered.

See Also


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