Registering Event Notification and Authorization Components

Add the following key to the registry for event notification and authorization components:

\Default\Event Notification]

At startup, the server checks the registry and instantiates each of the components listed under this key.

Following is an example of the values that should be added to the Event Notification key;

\Default\Event Notification\Sample Billing Module]
"Description"="Sample billing module"
"Author"="Developer Name"
"Copyright"="(c) Developer 1997"

{Description of these values goes here!}

Note: Every plug-in component supports notification, support for authorization is optional. The server calls the QueryInterface method to determine if the component supports authorization.

The NetShow server will load any registered components, including the disabled ones, and then invoke their Initialize method. The server will not stream any video unless all the registered components yield a successful return from the Initialize method. Thus, you you remove the whole registry entry of an unwanted component, instead of merely disabling it using the “Enabled” registry key.

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