VirtualRoots.Item Property

Returns the VirtualRoot object as specified by the Index value.


NSUnicastMgr.VirtualRoots.Item( Index )



The index value is defined as a variant type. It can be expressed in the following different ways:

Syntax Type Definition
Item( 0 ) Integer Position of the element in the collection.
Item( “0” ) String Position of the element in the collection.
Item( 0.0 ) Real Position of the element in the collection.
Item( “Alias” ) String The alias name of the virtual root.
Item( “\Path\Dir” ) String The directory path of the virtual root.

String values are assumed to be the alias name or directory path, unless the search for a corresponding virtual root fails. Then the system attempts to convert the string to a number and search for the virtual root by its position in the collection.


Item is the default property for this object, and it need not be specified explicitly. Note the two equivalent forms of syntax in the following example


' display alias of the first root
MsgBox NSUnicastMgr.VirtualRoots.Item( 0 ).Alias
' display Port ID of the last client
MsgBox NSUnicastMgr. VirtualRoots( NSUnicastMgr.Count – 1 ).Alias

See Also

VirtualRoot, VirtualRoots

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