VirtualRoots.Remove Method

Removes the VirtualRoot object specified by the AliasName parameter from the VirtualRoots collection object.


NSUnicastMgr.VirtualRoots.Remove( Index )



The index value is defined as a variant type. It can be expressed in the following different ways:

Syntax Type Definition
Item( 0 ) Integer Position of the element in the collection.
Item( “0” ) String Position of the element in the collection.
Item( 0.0 ) Real Position of the element in the collection.
Item( “Alias” ) String The alias name of the virtual root.
Item( “\Path\Dir” ) String The directory path of the virtual root.

String values are assumed to be the alias name or directory path unless the search for a corresponding virtual root fails. Then the system attempts to convert the string to a number and search for the virtual root by its position in the collection.

Return Values

Returns an ActiveX HRESULT error code.


' remove virtual root with alias "Unnecessary Flotsam"
NSUnicastMgr.VirtualRoots.Remove "Unnecessary Flotsam"

See Also

VirtualRoot, VirtualRoots, VirtualRoot.AliasName

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