Walkers.Find Method

The Walkers.Find method finds a WalkerEntry object by matching its string specification for a format type.


Walkers.Find( strIndex, retval )



A String specification to match a Walker object type.


Name to give the resulting Walker object.

Return Values

Returns an object of IMSrvWalker type.


The following code finds a walker that can add a title of a certain extension to a NetShow Theater server and displays the class id of the walker if a suitable one can be found

Sub findWalker(server As String, extension As String)
    Dim walker As IMSrvWalkerEntry
    ' NOTE: It is a known issue that you must be connected
    ' to a server in order to find a walker on a users
    ' machine
    MediaServer1.SetServer server
    Set walker = MediaServer1.Walkers.Find(extension)
    If (Not walker Is Nothing) Then
        MsgBox walker.ClsId
    End If
End Sub
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