The LLC_DIR_INITIALIZE_PARMS structure is the DLC parameter table for the LLC_DIR_INITIALIZE command. You pass a pointer to this structure using the pParameterTable member of the CCB_PARMS union.

typedef struct {
    USHORT usBringUps; 
    UCHAR Reserved[30]; 


Indicates the result of adapter bring-up testing for IBM Token-Ring network adapters. This member is not used on the PC Network or on Ethernet.
Information specific to MS-DOS or OS/2.


This command initializes the protocol drivers, resets all adapter tables and buffers, and directs the adapter to run the bring-up tests (IBM Token-Ring network only). The adapter's programmable timer is started. All pending commands are returned to the application that issued them. When pending commands are returned, the error code received in the uchDlcStatus member of the LLC_CCB structure is LLC_STATUS_CANCELLED_BY_SYSTEM_ACTION.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dlcapi.h.

See Also

The DLC Interface Overview, DLC Structures, AcsLan, CCB_PARMS