The LLC_TRANSMIT_PARMS structure is the DLC parameter table for the LLC_TRANSMIT commands. You pass a pointer to this structure using the pParameterTable member of the CCB_PARMS union.

typedef struct {
    USHORT usStationId;
    UCHAR uchTransmitFs;
    UCHAR uchRemoteSap;
    PLLC_XMIT_BUFFER pXmitQueue1;
    PLLC_XMIT_BUFFER pXmitQueue2;
    USHORT cbBuffer1;
    USHORT cbBuffer2;
    PVOID pBuffer1;
    PVOID pBuffer2;
    UCHAR uchXmitReadOption;


Specifies the station sending the data.
The FS field returned by the adapter or protocol driver. On Ethernet, this field is zero. If the command succeeds, the return code is zero; otherwise, the return code is nonzero.
The SAP value of the remote SAP that the local SAP is communicating with. This value is ignored if the sending station is a link station or a direct station.
Specifies the address of the first (or only) buffer in a queue of buffers to be transmitted or NULL. The data in all buffers is transmitted as one frame.
Specifies the address of the first (or only) buffer in a second queue of buffers to be transmitted or NULL. The data in all buffers is transmitted as one frame following the frame that contains the pXmitQueue1 buffers.
The length of the buffer for transmitting data pointed to by pBuffer1. If this member is zero, the cbBuffer2, pBuffer1, and pBuffer2 members are ignored.
The length of the buffer for transmitting data pointed to by pBuffer1. If this member is zero, this buffer is not used.
Specifies the address of the buffer containing the data to be transmitted. The data is transmitted as one frame following the data in pXmitQueue1 and pXmitQueue2.
Specifies the address of the buffer containing the data to be transmitted. The data is transmitted as one frame following the data in pXmitQueue1, pXmitQueue2, and pBuffer1.
Defines whether LLC_TRANSMIT commands are chained together when they complete. Specify one of the following values.
Option Description
LLC_CHAIN_XMIT_COMMANDS_ON_LINK Chain the command on a link station basis.
LLC_COMPLETE_SINGLE_XMIT_FRAME Do not chain the command.
LLC_CHAIN_XMIT_COMMANDS_ON_SAP Chain the command on a SAP station basis.


This structure is used by all the LLC_TRANSMIT commands. The following table describes the information you must supply for each command.

Command Command Specifics
LLC_TRANSMIT_DIR_FRAME The entire frame must be prepared by the application. The LAN header must reserve space for the adapter to insert the source address.
LLC_TRANSMIT_I_FRAME The only data supplied by the application is the actual data portion.
LLC_TRANSMIT_UI_FRAME The adapter provides the DLC header information. The application program must provide the LAN header and data portions of the message. The first buffer contains only the LAN header.
LLC_TRANSMIT_XID_CMD The user provides the LAN header and data portion. The user must leave room for the DLC header provided by the protocol driver. The first buffer must contain only the LAN header.
LLC_TRANSMIT_XID_RESP_FINAL The user provides the LAN header and data portion. The user must leave room for the DLC header provided by the protocol driver. The first buffer must contain only the LAN header.
LLC_TRANSMIT_XID_RESP_NOT_FINAL The user provides the LAN header and data portion. The user must leave room for the DLC header provided by the protocol driver. The first buffer must contain only the LAN header.
LLC_TRANSMIT_TEST_CMD The adapter provides the DLC header. The application program provides the LAN header and the optional test information. The first buffer must contain only the LAN header.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dlcapi.h.

See Also

The DLC Interface Overview, DLC Structures, AcsLan, CCB_PARMS