The USER_INFO_1010 structure contains user information for network accounts.
typedef struct _USER_INFO_1010 {
DWORD usri1010_auth_flags;
} USER_INFO_1010, *PUSER_INFO_1010, *LPUSER_INFO_1010;
Windows NT: For Windows NT servers, this member must be the value returned from NetUserGetInfo or NetUserEnum.
For NetUserGetInfo or NetUserEnum, the appropriate value is returned based on the local group membership. If the user is a member of Print Operations, AF_OP_PRINT is set. If the user is a member of Server Operations, AF_OP_SERVER is set. If the user is a member of the Account Operations, AF_OP_ACCOUNTS is set. AF_OP_COMM is never set.
This member can be one of the following values:
Value | Meaning |
AF_OP_PRINT | If 1, print operator privilege is enabled |
AF_OP_COMM | If 1, communications operator privilege is enabled |
AF_OP_SERVER | If 1, server operator privilege is enabled |
AF_OP_ACCOUNTS | If 1, accounts operator privilege is enabled |
Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in lmaccess.h.
Networking (Net) Overview, Net Structures, NetUserSetInfo