[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO structure contains information that affects properties of the domain controller (DC).

typedef struct _DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO {
    LPTSTR DomainControllerName;
    LPTSTR DomainControllerAddress;
    ULONG DomainControllerAddressType;
    GUID DomainGuid;
    LPTSTR DomainName;
    LPTSTR TreeName;
    ULONG Flags;
    LPTSTR DcSiteName;
    LPTSTR ClientSiteName;


Pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string specifying the computer name of the discovered domain controller. The returned computer name is prefixed with \\. The DNS-style name (for example, \\ will be returned if available. If a DNS-style name is returned, it will be terminated with a period, indicating that the returned name is an absolute (non-relative) DNS name. If the DNS-style name is not available, the flat-style name (for example, \\phoenix) will be returned. This example would apply if the domain is a Windows NT 4.0 domain or if the domain does not support the IP family of protocols.
Pointer to a zero-terminated Unicode string specifying the address of the discovered domain controller. The address is prefixed with \\ to aid in passing it as the ComputerName parameter in the Directory Service (DS) functions to various subsequent functions. This string will be one of the types defined by DomainControllerAddressType.
Indicates the type of address specified in DomainControllerAddress. The following valid values are presented in order, in case multiple forms are known.
Value Meaning
DS_INET_ADDRESS Address is a string IP address (for example, \\ of the domain controller.
DS_NETBIOS_ADDRESS The NetBIOS name (for example, \\phoenix) of the domain controller.

The GUID of the domain. This member will be zero if the DC does not have a Domain GUID (for example, the DC is not a Windows NT 5 DC).
Pointer to a zero-terminated Unicode string specifying the name of the domain. The DNS-style name (for example, will be returned if available. Otherwise, the flat-style name (for example, microsoft) will be returned. This name may be different than the requested domain name if the domain has been renamed. If a DNS-style name is returned, it will be terminated by a period, indicating that the returned name is an absolute (non-relative) DNS name.
Pointer to a zero-terminated Unicode string specifying the name of the domain at the root of the DS tree. The DNS-style name (for example, will be returned if available. Otherwise, the flat-style name (for example, microsoft) will be returned. If a DNS-style name is returned, it will be terminated be a period indicating that the returned name is an absolute (non-relative) DNS name.
The following flags describe the domain controller.
Value Meaning
DS_PDC_FLAG Domain controller is the PDC of the domain.
DS_WRITABLE_FLAG Domain controller hosts a writable DS (or SAM).
DS_FDC_FLAG Domain controller is the FDC of the domain.
DS_GC_FLAG Domain controller is a GC server for TreeName.
DS_DS_FLAG Domain controller is a directory service server for the domain.
DS_KDC_FLAG Domain controller is a Kerberos Key Distribution Center for the domain.
DS_TIMESERV_FLAG Domain controller is running the Windows Time service for the domain.
DS_DNS_CONTROLLER_FLAG DomainControllerName is in DNS format.
DS_DNS_DOMAIN_FLAG DomainName is in DNS format.
DS_DNS_TREE_FLAG TreeName is in DNS format.

The name of the site where the domain controller is located. This value may be NULL if the DC is not in a site (for example, the DC is a Windows NT 4.0 DC).
The name of the site where the DC is configured to be in. This value may be NULL if the site that the computer named by ComputerName cannot be found (for example, if the DS administrator has not associated the subnet that the computer is in with a valid site).


  Windows NT: Requires version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in dsgetdc.h.
  Unicode: Defined as Unicode and ANSI structures.

See Also

Networking (Net) Overview, Net Structures