
The MultinetGetConnectionPerformance function returns information about the expected performance of a connection used to access a network resource. This function can be used only to request information for a local device that is redirected to a network resource, or for a network resource to which there is currently a connection.

  LPNETRESOURCE lpNetResource,                    


Specifies one of the following network resources:
Value Meaning
lpLocalName Pointer to a buffer that specifies a local device, such as "F:" or "LPT1", that is redirected to a network resource to be queried. If this parameter is NULL or an empty string, the network resource is specified in lpRemoteName. If this flag specifies a local device, lpRemoteName is ignored.
LpRemoteName Specifies a network resource to query. The resource must currently have an established connection. For example, if the resource is a file on a file server, then having the file open will ensure the connection.
LpProvider Usually set to NULL, but may be optionally specified if the network on which the resource resides is known. If lpProvider is not NULL, the system will try only the named network.

Pointer to the NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT structure.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is one or more of the following error values.

Value Meaning
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED The network resource does not supply this information.
ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED lpLocalName is not a redirected device, or lpRemoteName is not the name of a resource that is currently connected.
ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH The operation could not be handled either because a network component is not started or the specified resource name is not recognized.
ERROR_BAD_DEVICE lpLocalName is invalid.
ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME lpRemoteName was not recognized by any network.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Either lpNetConnectInfoStruct does not point to a NETCONNECTINFOSTRUCT structure in which cbStructure is filled with the structure size, or both lpLocalName and lpRemoteName are not specified.
ERROR_NO_NETWORK Network components are not running.
ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR A network-specific error occurred. To obtain a description of the error, call WNetGetLastError.


The information returned by the MultinetGetConnectionPerformance function is an estimate only. Network traffic and routing can affect the accuracy of the results returned.

A typical way to use this function would be to open a file on a network server (which would ensure that there is a connection to the file), call this function, and use the results to make decisions about how to manage file I/O. For example, you can decide whether to read the entire file into a temporary file on the client or directly access the file on the server.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in winnetwk.h.
  Import Library: Use netapi32.lib.

See Also

Networking (Net) Overview, Net Functions, NETRESOURCE, WNetGetLastError