The RAS_PARAMS_VALUE union is used in the RAS_PARAMETERS structure to store the data associated with a media-specific parameter. The P_Type member of the RAS_PARAMETERS structure uses a value from the RAS_PARAMS_FORMAT enumeration to indicate the type of value currently stored in RAS_PARAMS_VALUE.

    DWORD  Number;
    struct    {
        DWORD  Length ;
        PCHAR  Data ;
    } String;


If the P_Type member of the RAS_PARAMETERS structure is ParamNumber, the Number member contains the value of the media-specific parameter. For example, the MAXCONNECTBPS parameter is of type ParamNumber, and the value might be 19200.

If the P_Type member of the RAS_PARAMETERS structure is ParamNumber, the Number member contains the value of the media-specific parameter. For example, the MAXCONNECTBPS parameter is of type ParamNumber, and the value might be 19200.

If the P_Type member of the RAS_PARAMETERS structure is ParamString, the String member contains the value of the media-specific parameter.
Specifies the length, in characters, of the string pointed to by the Data member.
Pointer to a buffer that contains the string value of a media-specific parameter.


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in rassapi.h.

See Also

Remote Access Service Overview, RAS Server Administration Union, RAS_PARAMETERS, RAS_PARAMS_FORMAT