
The RasAdminConnectionHangupNotification function is an application-defined function that is exported by a third-party RAS server administration DLL. When RAS disconnects an existing connection, it calls this function to notify your DLL.

The RAS server calls RasAdminConnectionHangupNotification once for each port in a multilink connection.

VOID RasAdminConnectionHangupNotification(
  RAS_PORT_1 *pRasPort1,  // pointer to information about the 
                          // connection
                          // pointer to statistics about the port
  RAS_PARAMETERS *pRasParams  // pointer to an array of 
                              // media-specific parameters and values


Pointer to a RAS_PORT_1 structure that contains RAS data about the connection that ended. This structure contains the relevant connection information that you can use to determine how long the port was connected.
Pointer to a RAS_PORT_STATISTICS structure that contains statistics about the port. RAS began accumulating these statistics when the connection was first established.
Pointer to an array of RAS_PARAMETERS structures. Each structure contains the name of a media-specific key, such as MAXCONNECTBPS, and its associated value.

Return Values

The function does not return a value. There are no extended error information for this function; do not call GetLastError.


The RAS call to the RasAdminConnectionHangupNotification function is just a notification; no action is required from your DLL. You can use the information provided by this function for accounting purposes.

The setup program for a third-party RAS administration DLL must register the DLL with RAS by providing information under the following key in the registry:


To register the DLL, set the following values under this key.

Value Name Value Data
DisplayName A REG_SZ string that contains the user-friendly display name of the DLL.
DLLPath A REG_SZ string that contains the full path of the DLL.

For example, the registry entry for a RAS Administration DLL from a fictional company named Netwerks Corporation might be:

    DisplayName  :  REG_SZ  :  Netwerks RAS Admin DLL
    DLLPath      :  REG_SZ  :  C:\nt\system32\ntwkadm.dll

The setup program for a RAS Administration DLL should also provide remove/uninstall functionality. If a user removes the DLL, the setup program should delete the DLL's registry entries.


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in rassapi.h.

See Also

Remote Access Service Overview, RAS Server Administration Functions, RAS_PARAMETERS, RAS_PORT_1, RAS_PORT_STATISTICS