Windows NT Files for SNMP

The following table describes the files that relate to the SNMP service.

Filename Description
ACSMIB.DLL Extension agent DLL that implements the Microsoft-defined ACS MIB. Installed only on ACS servers, and not available on Windows NT 3.1 or 4.0.
DHCPMIB.DLL Extension agent DLL that implements the Microsoft-defined DHCP MIB. Installed only on DHCP servers, and not available on Windows NT 3.1.
HOSTMIB.DLL Extension agent DLL that implements the Host Resources MIB.
INETMIB1.DLL Extension agent DLL that implements MIB-II.
LMMIB2.DLL Extension agent DLL that implements LAN Manager MIB-II.
MGMTAPI.DLL Microsoft SNMP Management API library.
MIB.BIN Compiled MIB information used by MGMTAPI.DLL.
SNMP.EXE SNMP service. This is the master agent that receives SNMP requests and delivers them to the appropriate extension agent DLL.
SNMPAPI.DLL SNMP utilities DLL used by SNMP extension agent DLLs and manager applications.
SNMPCFG.EXE SNMP configuration utility.
SNMPSFX.DLL SNMP subagent framework DLL. This is a helper library for writing extension agent DLLs.
SNMPTRAP.EXE SNMP trap service. Receives SNMP traps and forwards them to SNMP manager applications using MGMTAPI.DLL and WinSNMP.DLL.
WINSMIB.DLL Extension agent DLL that implements the Microsoft-defined WINS MIB. Installed only on WINS servers, and not available on Windows NT 3.1.
WSNMP32.DLL Microsoft WinSNMP Manager API version 1.1a library.