Working with Variable Binding Lists

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A variable binding is the pairing of an SNMP object instance name with an associated value. A variable binding list is a series of variable binding entries. In the WinSNMP programming environment, a protocol data unit (PDU) includes a variable binding list.

The details of the variable binding list structure are restricted to the Microsoft WinSNMP implementation. A WinSNMP manager application can access a variable binding list with a handle of the type HSNMP_VBL. For additional information, see Resource Handle Objects.

The WinSNMP manager application can construct and manipulate variable binding lists, and include them in PDUs. To perform these operations, the manager application uses the WinSNMP variable binding functions. For additional information about working with WinSNMP and variable binding lists, see the following topics:

For additional information about variable bindings and variable binding lists, see RFC1905, "Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)," and the WinSNMP Variable Binding Functions.