The following table lists IRIS GL color functions and their equivalent OpenGL functions.
IRIS GL Function | OpenGL Function | Meaning |
c | glColor | Set RGB color. |
color | glIndex | Set the color index. |
getcolor | glGet(GL_CURRENT_INDEX) | Return the current color index. |
getmcolor | — | Get a copy of the RGB values for a color map entry. |
gRGBcolor | glGet(GL_CURRENT_COLOR) | Get the current RGB color values. |
mapcolor | — | |
RGBcolor | glColor | Set RGB color. |
writemask | glIndexMask | Set the color-index mode color mask. |
wmpack RGBwritemask |
glColorMask | Set the RGB color mode mask. |
getwritemask | glGet(GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK) glGet(GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK) |
Get the color mask. |
gRGBmask | glGet(GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK) | Get the color mask. |
zwritemask | glDepthMask | — |
Note Be careful when replacing zwritemask with glDepthMask; glDepthMask takes a Boolean argument, whereas zwritemask takes a bit field.
If you want to use multiple color maps, you need to use the appropriate Win32 color map functions. Therefore, multimap, onemap, getcmmode, setmap, and getmap have no OpenGL equivalents.