A small bitmap that usually represents a minimized application. Icons may also serve as symbols in warning messages or other windows. See also bitmap.
icon handle
A unique value of the HICON type that identifies an icon. See also icon.
Minimized. If an icon represents a minimized application, the application's window is said to be iconic. See also icon, window.
A single character that represents a word, object or a phrase — for example, a single character that means "month." This term would apply to the Han script.
See Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA) and International MIDI Association (IMA).
A rectangular region on a video display that contains a graphical representation of an object. See also rectangular region.
impersonation token
An access token that has been created to capture the security information of a client process, allowing a server to "impersonate" the client process in security operations. See also access token, primary token.
import library
A .LIB file that contains information about one or more dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), but does not contain the DLL's executable code. The linker uses an import library when building an executable module of a process, to provide the information needed to resolve the external references to DLL functions. See also dynamic-link library, process.
information context
A device context used strictly for data retrieval; it cannot be used for any drawing operations. See also device context.
input buffer
A buffer containing a queue of input records with information about keyboard, mouse, and window-sizing events for a console. See also console.
input event
An event--such as a keystroke, mouse movement, or mouse-button click--that causes a console to place an INPUT_RECORD structure in its input buffer. A console process can get information about an input event by reading from the console's input buffer.
An instantiation of a particular object type in a class, such as a specific process or thread. All instances of a given type have identical performance counters.
instance subclassing
A type of subclassing where an application replaces the window-procedure address of a single instance of a window with the address of a subclass procedure. See also subclassing, window.
integer atom
An atom that identifies an integer value. See also atom.
Interactive Multimedia Association (IMA)
A professional trade association of companies, institutions, and individuals involved in producing and using interactive multimedia technology.
interlocked operation
The thread that performs an interlocked operation on a LONG variable is guaranteed to have exclusive access to the variable until the operation is complete.
International MIDI Association (IMA)
The nonprofit organization that circulates information about the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) specification.
irregular curve
A curve that does not fit the perimeter of a conic section.
irregular shape
A shape composed of curves and straight line segments.
item name
A string that identifies a unit of data a server can pass to a client during a transaction.