Sequenced Packet Protocol (SPP)
Banyan Vines connection-oriented communication protocol for routing information packets over local area networks.
Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX)
A Novell NetWare connection-oriented communication protocol for routing information packets over local area and wide area networks.
(or pickling) In RPC, the process of marshaling data to (encoding) and unmarshaling data from (decoding) buffers that you control. This is in contrast to traditional RPC usage, where the stubs and the RPC runtime control the marshaling buffers. See also procedure serialization, type serialization.
server stub
MIDL-generated C-language source code that contains all the functions necessary for the server application to handle remote requests using local procedure calls. See also client stub.
In RPC, an established relationship between a client application and a server application. See also bind, binding handle.
static callback function
A remote procedure that is part of the client side of a distributed application and that a server can call to obtain information from the client. The callback attribute designates a static callback function.
string binding
A character string that consists of the object UUID, protocol sequence, network address, endpoint, and endpoint options, all of which can be used to create a binding handle to the specified server.