
The RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid function tells whether the specified protocol sequence is supported by both the RPC run-time library and the operating system.

For a list of Microsoft RPC's supported protocol sequences, see the reference topic String Binding in RPC Data Types and Structures.

#include <rpc.h>
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid( 
  unsigned char *  Protseq  


Points to a string identifier of the protocol sequence to be checked.

If the Protseq argument is not a valid protocol sequence string, RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid returns RPC_S_INVALID_RPC_PROTSEQ.


Note  RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid is available for client applications, not for server applications. Use RpcNetworkInqProtseqs for server applications.

An application calls the RpcNetworkIsProtseqValid routine to determine whether an individual protocol sequence is available for making remote procedure calls.

A protocol sequence is valid if both the RPC run-time library and the operating system support the specified protocols. For a list of Microsoft RPC's supported protocol sequences, see the reference topic String Binding in RPC Data Types and Structures.

An application calls RpcNetworkInqProtseqs to see all of the supported protocol sequences.

Return Values

Value Meaning
RPC_S_OK Success; protocol sequence supported
RPC_S_PROTSEQ_NOT_SUPPORTED Protocol sequence not supported on this host
RPC_S_INVALID_RPC_PROTSEQ Invalid protocol sequence


  Windows NT: Yes
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in rpcdce.h.
  Import Library: Link with rpcrt4.lib.

See Also
