
The client calls the RpcAsyncGetCallStatus function to determine the current status of an asynchronous remote call.

RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcAsyncGetCallStatus (
) ;
Pointer to the RPC_ASYNC_STATE structure that contains asynchronous call information.

Return Values

RPC_S_OK Call was completed successfully
RPC_S_INVALID_ASYNC_HANDLE The asynchronous call handle is not valid
RPC_S_ASYNC_CALL_PENDING The call has not yet completed
Other error codes The call failed. The client application must call RpcAsyncCompleteCall to receive the application-specific error code.


This client-side function returns the current status of the asynchronous call. Note that if the return value is anything other than RPC_S_ASYNC_CALL_PENDING the call is complete.

See Also

Asynchronous RPC, RPC_ASYNC_STATE, RpcAsyncAbortCall, RpcAsyncCancelCall, RpcAsyncCompleteCall, RpcAsyncGetCallHandle, RpcAsyncInitializeHandle, RpcAsyncRegisterInfo, RpcServerTestCancel