
The RpcServerRegisterIf function registers an interface with the RPC run-time library.

This function is supported by both 32-bit platforms — Windows NT and Windows 95.

#include <rpc.h>
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcServerRegisterIf( 
  RPC_IF_HANDLE  IfSpec,   
  UUID *  MgrTypeUuid,   
  RPC_MGR_EPV *  MgrEpv  


Specifies a MIDL-generated data structure indicating the interface to register.
Points to a type UUID to associate with the MgrEpv argument. Specifying a null argument value (or a nil UUID) registers IfSpec with a nil type UUID.
Specifies the manager routines' entry-point vector (EPV). To use the MIDL-generated default EPV, specify a null value.


A server can register an unlimited number of interfaces with the RPC run-time library. Registration makes an interface available to clients using a binding handle to the server.

To register an interface, the server application code calls the RpcServerRegisterIf routine. For each implementation of an interface offered by a server, it must register a separate manager EPV.

To register an interface, the server provides the following information:

If your server application needs to register an auto-listen interface or use a callback function for authentication purposes, use RpcServerRegisterIfEx.


  Windows NT: Yes
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in rpcdce.h.
  Import Library: Link with rpcrt4.lib.

See Also

Registering the Interface, RpcBindingFromStringBinding, RpcBindingSetObject, RpcNsBindingExport, RpcNsBindingImportBegin, RpcNsBindingLookupBegin, RpcObjectSetType, RpcServerUnregisterIf