The RpcSsSwapClientAllocFree function exchanges the memory allocation and release mechanisms used by the client stubs with one supplied by the client.
#include <rpc.h>
void RPC_ENTRY RpcSsSwapClientAllocFree(
RPC_CLIENT_ALLOC* pfnAllocate,
RPC_CLIENT_ALLOC** pfnOldAllocate,
The RpcSsSwapClientAllocFree routine exchanges the current memory allocation and memory freeing mechanisms with those supplied by the client.
Note The RpcSsSwapClientAllocFree routine raises exceptions, while the RpcSmSwapClientAllocFree routine returns the error code.
Value | Meaning |
RPC_S_OK | Success |
RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY | Out of memory |
Windows NT: Yes
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in rpcndr.h.
Import Library: Link with rpcrt4.lib.
RpcSmSwapClientAllocFree, RpcSsAllocate, RpcSsFree, RpcSsSetClientAllocFree