
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The RAS Connection Manager calls the RasEapInvokeConfigUII function to display a dialog to obtain configuration information from the user. RAS calls RasEapInvokeConfigUI when a new phonebook entry is created or an existing phonebook entry is edited, provided that the authentication protocol for the entry provides a configuration user interface.

DWORD  RasEapInvokeConfigUI ( 
  DWORD     dwEapTypeId,                  // identifies the protocol 
  HINSTANCE hInstance,                    // handle to DLL module 
  HWND      hwndParent,                   // handle to parent window 
  DWORD     dwFlags,                      // indicates whether caller is router or RAS client
  PBYTE *   ppConfigData,                 // config data returned 
  DWORD *   lpdwSizeOfConfigData,         // size of config data 
  PBYTE     pConnectionDataIn,            // current connection data
  DWORD     dwSizeOfConnectionDataIn,     // size of current connection data
  PBYTE     pUserDataIn,                  // current user data
  DWORD     dwSizeOfUserDataIn,           // size of current user data
  PBYTE *   ppConnectionDataOut,          // new connection data 
  DWORD *   lpdwSizeOfConnectionDataOut,  // size of new connection data
  PBYTE *   ppUserDataOut,                // new user data
  DWORD *   lpdwSizeOfUserDataOut,        // size of new user data
  LPSTR     szIdentityOut[UNLEN+DNLEN+2]  // identity of user 


Identifies the authentication protocol for which to invoke the configuration UI.
Handle to the DLL module.
Handle to the parent window for the UI dialog.
Specifies whether the computer dialing in is a router or a RAS client. If the computer is a router, this parameter should be set to


Otherwise, this parameter should be zero.

Pointer to the connection-specific data currently stored in the phonebook entry. If RasEapInvokeConfigUI is called during the creation of a new entry, this parameter will be NULL.
Size of the connection-specific data currently stored in the phonebook entry. If RasEapInvokeConfigUI is called during the creation of a new entry, this parameter will be zero.
Pointer to the user-specific data currently stored for this user in the registry. If RasEapInvokeConfigUI is called during the creation of a new entry, this parameter will be NULL
Size of the user-specific data currently stored for this user in the registry. If RasEapInvokeConfigUI is called during the creation of a new entry, this parameter will be zero.
Pointer to a pointer that, on successful return, will point to the new connection-specific data to store in the phonebook entry.
Pointer to a DWORD that, on successful return, will point to the size of the new connection-specific data to store in the phonebook entry.
Pointer to a pointer that, on successful return, will point to the new user-specific data to store in the registry.
Pointer to a DWORD that, on successful return, will point to the size of the new user-specific data to store in the registry.
Pointer to a buffer that contains an identifier for the user. The length of this buffer is UNLEN+DNLEN+2.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.

If the function wasn't able to allocate memory for the configuration data, the return value should be ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY.

If the function fails in some other way, the return value should be an appropriate error code from winerror.h, raserror.h, or mprerror.h.


The DLL that implements RasEapInvokeInteractiveUI and RasEapFreeConfigUIData may support more than one authentication protocol. The dwEapTypeId parameter specifies which protocol to invoke the configuration UI for.

RAS stores the connection-specific data returned by RasEapInvokeConfigUI in the phonebook entry. RAS stores the user-specific data returned by RasEapInvokeConfigUI in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

See Also

RasEapFreeConfigUIData, RasEapInvokeInteractiveUI