[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The PPP_EAP_ACTION enumerated type specifies actions that the RAS Connection Manager Service should take on behalf of the authentication protocol.
typedef enum _PPP_EAP_ACTION {
EAPACTION_NoAction, // Be passive, i.e., listen without
// timeout (default)
EAPACTION_Done, // End auth session, dwAuthResultCode
// is set
EAPACTION_SendAndDone, // As above but send message without
// timeout first
EAPACTION_Send, // Send message, don't timeout waiting
// for reply
EAPACTION_SendWithTimeout, // Send message, timeout if reply not
// received
EAPACTION_SendWithTimeoutInteractive // As above, but don't
// increment retry count
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in raseapif.h.