[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The MprAdminTransportGetInfo function retrieves global information, default client interface information, or both, for a specified transport.
MPR_SERVER_HANDLE hMprServer, // handle to router
DWORD dwTransportId, // identifies the transport
LPBYTE * ppGlobalInfo, // buffer to receive global
// information for transport
LPDWORD lpdwGlobalInfoSize, // size of global information
// returned
LPBYTE * ppClientInterfaceInfo, // buffer to receive client
// interface information
LPDWORD lpdwClientInterfaceInfoSize // size of client interface
// information returned
This parameter is optional. If the caller specifies NULL for this parameter, the function will not retrieve the global information.
This parameter is optional. If the caller specifies NULL for this parameter, the function will not retrieve the client interface information.
The ppGlobalInfo parameter and the ppClientInterfaceInfo parameter are both NULL.
The ppGlobalInfo parameter doesn't point to valid memory.
The ppClientInterfaceInfo parameter doesn't point to valid memory.
The ppGlobalInfo and ppClientInterfaceInfo parameters cannot both be NULL.
Windows NT: Use version 5.0 and later.
Windows: Unsupported.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in mprapi.h.
Import Library: Link with mprapi.lib.
MprAdminBufferFree, MprAdminServerConnect, MprAdminTransportSetInfo