[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The PPP_IPCP_INFO structure contains the result of a PPP Internet Protocol (IP) projection operation.

typedef struct _PPP_IPCP_INFO {
    DWORD    dwError;
    WCHAR    wszAddress[ IPADDRESSLEN + 1 ];
    WCHAR    wszRemoteAddress[ IPADDRESSLEN + 1 ];


Contains the result of the PPP control protocol negotiation. A value of zero indicates success. A nonzero value indicates failure, and is the actual fatal error that occurred during the control protocol negotiation.
Contains a Unicode string that holds the client's IP address on the RAS connection.
Contains a Unicode string that holds the IP address of the remote PPP peer (that is, the server's IP address). PPP does not require that servers provide this address, but Windows NT servers will consistently return the address anyway. Other PPP vendors may not provide the address. If the address is not available, this member returns an empty string, "".

See Also