Remote Access Service (RAS) Administration Reference

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The programmatic interface for the Remote Access Service (RAS) under Microsoft® Windows NT® Routing and RAS, which is available as a downloadable component for Windows NT 4.0 or within Windows NT 5.0, is similar to that in the version of RAS included in Windows NT 4.0. However, the naming convention is different between the two APIs.

Functions under Windows NT 4.0 RAS typically begin with RasAdmin. The analogous functions under Routing and RAS begin with MprAdmin. For example, Windows NT 4.0 RAS provides a function called RasAdminPortGetInfo. The analogous function in Routing and RAS is called MprAdminPortGetInfo. Another example: Windows NT 4.0 RAS provides the callback function RasAdminGetIpAddressForUser. Routing and RAS provides a similar callback function called MprAdminGetIpAddressForUser. An exception to this rule is RasAdminPortClearStatistics, which, under Routing and RAS is MprAdminPortClearStats.

The following table lists the Windows NT 4.0 RAS functions and the corresponding Routing and RAS functions.

Windows NT 4.0 RAS Routing and RAS
RasAdminAcceptNewConnection MprAdminAcceptNewConnection
RasAdminConnectionHangupNotification MprAdminConnectionHangupNotification
RasAdminGetIpAddressForUser MprAdminGetIpAddressForUser
RasAdminPortClearStatistics MprAdminPortClearStats
RasAdminPortDisconnect MprAdminPortDisconnect
RasAdminPortEnum MprAdminPortEnum
RasAdminPortGetInfo MprAdminPortGetInfo
RasAdminReleaseIpAddress MprAdminReleaseIpAddress
RasAdminUserGetInfo MprAdminUserGetInfo
RasAdminUserSetInfo MprAdminUserSetInfo

Although the Routing and RAS functions have similar functionality to their Windows NT 4.0 RAS counterparts, Routing and RAS functions often take a different set of parameters. See the reference page for a particular function for complete information on that function's parameter list.

Routing and RAS also adds the following functions which have no counterparts in Windows NT 4.0 RAS.






