[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The following syntax shows an example registry layout for the Router service.
LANOnlyMode = DWORD (0/1)
DLLPath = REG_SZ ....
ProtocolID = DWORD 0x0021
GlobalInfo = REG_BINARY ...
DLLPath = REG_SZ ...
ProtocolID = DWORD 0x002B
GlobalInfo = REG_BINARY ...
GlobalInFilter = REG_BSZ < filter set name > . . .
InterfaceName: REG_SZ Redmond
Type = DWORD (Internal/Dedicated/Dynamic)
ProtocolID = DWORD 0x0021
InterfaceInfo = BINARY . . .
ProtocolID = DWORD 0x002B
InterfaceInfo = BINARY . . .
InterfaceName: REG_SZ IntelEtherExpressPro2
< RAS parameters and DDM parameters >
ConfigDll: REG_SZ ipadmin.dll
DllName: REG_SZ ospf.dll
ProtocolID: REG_DWORD 0xD
Title: REG_SZ Open Shortest Path First
Every router manager installed in the system will have a registry key created under the Router key. The DLLPath variable specifies the location of the DLL corresponding to the router manager and the ProtocolID variable specifies the protocol family identifier for the router manager.
The Interfaces key is populated with the interfaces that have been added to the local system from the Router configuration. Each interface has an associated Type (Internal, Dedicated, or Dynamic) and subkeys for each router manager (IP and IPX in the previous example).