
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

When a client "xyz" calls TraceRegister(), the tracing DLL looks under the registry key


for the following values:

The defaults are used only if the key is found (or can be created) but some values are absent from the key. If the registry key is not found and cannot be created, the call to TraceRegister() fails.

Alternatively, a client "xyz" could call TraceRegisterEx(), which takes a flag allowing the caller to specify the settings to use. Thus, a client could use the tracing DLL without creating any key in the registry. For instance,

TraceRegisterEx("xyz", TRACE_USE_CONSOLE);

would register the client "xyz" to use the console for tracing, and the tracing DLL would not attempt to read the registry at all. Similarly,

TraceRegisterEx("abc", TRACE_USE_FILE);

would register the client "abc" to use a file for tracing, bypassing the registry.