
The following interface definition is provided as a standard that can followed when developing a smart card service provider.

The ISCardAuth interface can be used to expose authentication services supported by a smart card. These services include application authentication, smart card authentication, and user authentication.

The following example shows a typical use of the ISCardAuth interface.

    To use ISCardAuth
  1. Create an ISCardAuth interface (through the corresponding ISCardManage interface method).
  2. Call the appropriate ISCardAuth method (APP_Auth, GetChallenge, ICC_Auth, or User_Auth).
  3. Release the ISCardAuth interface.


ISCardAuth Methods Definition
APP_Auth Allows the application to authenticate itself using a challenge/signature protocol.
GetChallenge Returns a challenge from the smart card.
ICC_Auth Allows an application to authenticate the smart card.
User_Auth Allows access to user authentication services.